What is a fracture?

Fracture is a break in continuity of bone, most commonly occurs due to injury ( Falls, roadside accidents, sports injuries, assault).
In common parlance an undisplaced fracture is called a ‘crack’
How do i suspect it?
Immediately following injury you might have one or more of these-
- Pain
- Swelling
- Deformity
- Feeling of crepitus (crackling sound)
- Unable to stand or walk (if lower limb is involved)
How can i confirm it?
Your orthopaedician will check you and advise suitable xrays which will reveal the fracture, if any.
So, it is diagnosed, what now?
Depending on many things like-
- Which bone is involved
- Does fracture extend to nearby joints
- Is it a displaced or undisplaced fracture
- Any associated wound in skin over the fracture site
- Damage in nearby nerves or blood vessels
- Age and functional requirements
Your Orthopaedician will advise you rest, ice packs, pain killers and one or more of these-
- Elastic bandage support
- Plaster of Paris support (Slab/Cast)
- Surgery
Will my body part function as normal again?
The injury might heal leaving no obvious trace that you had it in the first place or it might be a life changing event with severe health and economic consequences. It depends on the complexity of injury, adequacy of treatment and associated complications. Accurate, timely diagnosis and expert care will help you sail through the turbulent times.
For any further questions feel free to comment, connect to us or locate us.
“Earliest sign of civilization is a healed femur fracture” – Anthropologist Margaret Mead
(Femur is the largest bone in the body connecting hip and knee. A fractured femur makes one unable to stand, walk, hunt and thus gather food and eat. A healed femur in a human fossil indicates that the person this belonged to was cared for by others).
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